
Vascular Plants Vs Nonvascular Plants

Differences Between Vascular and Non-vascular plants
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Vascular Plants Definition

Vascular plants, likewise known equally tracheophytes, are plants found on land that accept lignified tissues for conducting water and minerals throughout the body of the plant.

  • These lignified tissues are also called vascular tissue and consist of water-conducting xylem tissue and nutrient-conducting phloem tissue.
  • Vascular tissue forms a central cavalcade, besides chosen stele, through the plant axis for the ship of dissimilar substances.
  • Vascular plants are said to have a true stem, leaves, and roots due to the presence of vascular tissues.
  • The root is a true root that enables the plant to anchor onto the soil and gets nutrients from it.
  • The leaves are broad and take stomata that work for gas exchange and support transpiration.
  • The stem of vascular plants is multilayered with vascular tissue that helps in the protection and conduction of nutrient and water.
  • The arrangement of these issues might be different in a unlike group of plants as it depends on the pattern of division of cells.
  • The xylem is equanimous of non-living matter, tracheids, and vesicles, hardened by lignin that provides a stiff construction to the tissue. The phloem, on the other hand, contains living sieve elements that are not lignified.
  • Vascular plants are capable of surviving on state due to their power to transport nutrient, water, and mineral to unlike parts of the institute past creating pressure through the tissues.
  • Besides, they as well have several modifications that facilitate their survival on country.
  • Another essential characteristic of vascular plants is that the primary generation phase in these plants is the sporophytic phase where they produce diploid spores.
  • Vascular plants are tall and large in size compared to the non-vascular plants because of their ability to transport necessary substances to all parts of the body via vascular tissue.
  • It is believed that vascular plants are a more evolved version of non-vascular plants and thus came subsequently in the evolutionary history.
  • Vascular plants are divided into two groups; not-seed plants or lower vascular plants or cryptograms and seed plants or higher vascular plants or phanerogams.
  • The lower vascular plants include plants like ferns that although are adjusted to survive on land nevertheless have some characteristics of their aquatic ancestry. These plants belong to the group Pteridophyta.
  • The higher vascular plants are numerous and extremely various and are further divided into dissimilar subgroups.
  • Some examples of vascular plants include maize, mustard, rose, cycad, ferns, clubmosses, grasses, etc.

Non-vascular Plants Definition

Non-vascular plants, also known as bryophytes or lower plants, are plants more often than not plant in clammy and moist areas and lack specialized vascular tissues.

  • Both xylem and phloem are absent in these plants, and thus they are primitive plants with primitive parts.
  • Non-vascular plants consist of college structural forms of algae, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.
  • These mostly live in water and in swampy, bogs, or shady locations. These are likewise comparatively shorter and simpler as they are limited due to the lack of vascular tissues.
  • Non-vascular plants do not have true roots, stems, or leaves and the tissues present are the to the lowest degree specialized forms of tissue.
  • Instead of truthful roots, they accept rhizoids that are hair-like structures that support the plant firmly to the ground. The absorption of water and mineral in the rhizoids occurs by diffusion and osmosis.
  • True leaves are also absent with no specialized tissue for the protection of h2o loss or the procedure of transpiration.
  • The stem is made up of simpler tissue and is weak that cannot hold the plant like in vascular plants.
  • In non-vascular plants, the gametophyte generation is more ascendant with haploid gametophyte. The sporophytes of these plants develop from the gametophytes and are dependent on the gametophytes for water and minerals.
  • Non-vascular plants are the primitive plants that appear first during the evolutionary process.
  • These plants consist of two major groups of plants; algae and bryophytes.
  • Algae are light-green colored lower plants that are capable of photosynthesis but lack true structures.
  • Bryophytes consist of plants like most mosses and liverworts which are found in shady areas and feed on dead and decomposable matter.
  • Non-vascular plants oftentimes deed equally pioneer species every bit they do not require much nutrients or water for their survival and can grow on barren lands.
  • Using several evolved techniques, a non-vascular plant is capable of surviving in areas inhabited by vascular plants.
  • Some examples of non-vascular plants include moss, algae, liverwort, and hornwort.

Key differences (Vascular plants vs Non-vascular plants)

Ground for Comparison

Vascular plants

Non-vascular plants

Definition Vascular plants are plants found on country that take lignified tissues for conducting h2o and minerals throughout the trunk of the plant. Non-vascular plants are plants generally establish in damp and moist areas and lack specialized vascular tissues.
Besides known as Vascular plants are as well known every bit tracheophytes. Non-vascular plants are also known equally bryophytes or lower plants.
Diverseness Vascular plants are numerous and more diverse than non-vascular plants. Non-vascular plants are fewer in number and are less diverse compare to vascular plants.
Habitat Vascular plants are land plants that tin can inhabit multiple environments. Not-vascular plants are mostly found in clammy, shady, or swampy areas.
Vascular system Vascular plants are characterized past the presence of a vascular tissue system with lignified xylem tissue and sieved phloem tissue. The absence of a vascular tissue system characterizes non-vascular plants.
Cell organisation Division of labor is a prominent feature of vascular plants where the arrangement of cells is more complex and generally characteristics to individual families. The arrangement of cells in non-vascular plants is a lot simpler than that in vascular plants.
Force The lignified tissue organisation is strong and rigid, which provides support and rigidity to the institute. Non-vascular plants are tender and shorter than vascular plants due to the unavailability of water-conducting tissue.
Lifecycle The prominent life cycle in vascular plants is the sporophyte, where they produce spores that are diploid. The prominent or dominating lifecycle in non-vascular plants is gametophyte where they produce gametes that are haploid.
Root The root in vascular plants is true with branches that back up and attach to the institute to the soil to obtain nutrients from information technology. Not-vascular plants accept rhizoids with fine hair-like structures instead of truthful roots.
The roots absorb the water and mineral required for the institute from the soil. They obtain their water, nutrients, and minerals from the soil via diffusion or osmosis.
Stem The stem in vascular plants is multilayered with xylem and phloem that course a conducting pathway passing through the principal axis. No true stem is institute in non-vascular plants.
Leaves Truthful leaves are present which are of divers shapes and have an of import function in photosynthesis. True leaves are absent.
Stomata are found on the leaves that are important for gas exchange. The leaves exercise not take specialized tissue for gas exchange or transpiration.
Cuticles Leaves and other parts accept cuticles that protect the plant against desiccation. These plants do not have cuticles.
Evolution Vascular plants are more than advanced forms of non-vascular plants that appeared later than non-vascular plants on world. Not-vascular plants were amongst the first plants to appear on earth.
Pioneer species Vascular plants appear afterwards in ecological succession and thus practise not form a role of pioneer species. Not-vascular plants appear as pioneer species in several ecological successions.
Examples Some examples of vascular plants include maize, mustard, rose, cycad, ferns, clubmosses, grasses, etc. Some examples of not-vascular plants include moss, algae, liverwort, and hornwort.

Read Too: Plant cell- definition, labeled diagram, construction, parts, organelles

Examples of vascular plants


  • A fern is an instance of lower vascular plants that have specialized conducting tissues; xylem and phloem, necessary for the transport of water, mineral, and food particles.
  • These are non-flowering vascular plants with true stems, roots, and leaves and reproduce by spores.
  • The number of species of fern known till now ranges from x,000 to 11,000, but some estimates point than more than fifteen,000 species might be present including those in explored areas of tropical forests.
  • These plants are diverse in habitat, forms, and reproductive methods. Their sizes also range from existence flimsy and small to tall copse up to 25 meters in height.
  • Ferns are mostly in damp and warm areas, and their number goes on decreasing with increasing altitudes and decreasing moisture.
  • Ferns are important during ecological succession where they abound in crevices of blank rocks and in marsh areas earlier the growth of woody vegetation.
  • Dispersal of spores and their ability to produce both gametes and self-fertilize allows long-distance dispersal of these plants.


  • Cycads are gymnosperms or non-flowering vascular plants with adult roots, stems, leaves, and vascular systems.
  • These are huge copse that grow up to three to 5 feet in summit with woody stems.
  • Merely effectually fifteen-20 species of cycads are known which are widely distributed in the western as well as an eastern hemisphere.
  • These plants are plant in forests but are also planted past farmers for woods and fodders for animals.
  • Their appearance constitutes a single, stout, cylindrical, woody trunk and a crown of large, hard, stiff, evergreen compound leaves that abound into a rosette formation.
  • These plants are deciduous and unique amid gymnosperms for forming seed cones in female plants instead of a group of foliage-life construction (megasporophyll) with seeds in male individuals.
  • Some species of cycads such as C. circinalis, C. bedomei are grown as ornamental plants in gardens.
  • Cycads are likewise chosen every bit sago palm as from the stem of some species, a kind of starch popularly called 'sago' is obtained.
  • The leaves of C. revolute are used to prepare hats, basket, and mates. The leaves are besides be used for floral ornamentation and other decorative purposes.

Examples of not-vascular plants


  • Moss is a non-tracheophyte found mostly in all environments but mostly found in dark and swampy areas.
  • These are among the few living beings, called pioneer species, that are amongst the first living organisms to colonize barren and soil-less lands. These are mostly seen in carpet woodlands and woods floors.
  • There are approximately 12,000 species of mosses known worldwide that colonize habitat from common cold arctic to desert lands.
  • Their size is also diverse where some are microscopic while others are over a foot alpine.
  • They cannot abound much in summit because of the lack of vascular tissue, due to which they cannot transport h2o and mineral to the top role of the institute.
  • In the identify of roots, they have rhizoids that are not effective for the absorption of water and minerals from the soil.
  • The gametophytic phase is more dominant as the stem, or leaf-like structures are a office of the gametophyte.
  • The gametophyte develops to form the sporophytic stage that forms spores that help in reproduction.


  • Liverworts are primitive non-vascular plants that grow as small-scale, leaf-similar structures.
  • These are mostly found close to the ground in areas that are damp, shady, or swampy. Even though distributed worldwide, they are mostly found in tropical areas.
  • The thallus of the constitute is the gametophytic structure of the plant that develops specialized organs to house the sporophytic phase.
  • Liverworts are similar to hornworts and can be distinguished from hornworts based on the differences in the structure of the thallus and the sporophyte.
  • These are primitive plants with a archaic structure similar rhizoids in the place of roots for the zipper and absorption of water and minerals from the soil.
  • These are not particularly important to human beings but do human activity as food for animals, facilitate the decay of logs, and aid in the integration of rocks during ecological succession.
  • Liverworts are one of the pioneer species that are the first living beings to announced during primary succession.

References and Sources

  • 1% – https://world wide
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  • ane% – https://biologydictionary.internet/gymnosperm/
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  • <i% – https://world wide
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  • <1% – https://basicbiology.internet/plants/non-vascular
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Vascular Plants Vs Nonvascular Plants,


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